About the nutrition labels for fish oil class omega3 products
At present, there are many kinds of omega-3 products on the market. From what aspects to identify and understand the type and content of omega-3 on the market, to understand its use requirements and taboos. This article hopes to use relatively popular language to give you a comprehensive understanding;
1. Type
"Omega-3" is a general term, many marine products (such as marine fish oil, krill oil, shrimp oil, seal oil) or algae can extract omega-3, and it is the general term for EPA, DHA, DPA, so look for clues that the label contains specific type omega-3; if this is omega-3 extracted from fish oil;
2. Molecular forms
Omega-3 is currently classified into TG (Triglyceride) type according to its different molecular structure, Type EE (E t h y l, Esters) type, Type rTG (reformed triglyceride)), At present, many manufacturers do not mark it, Here"s a simple way to identify it: the total EPA + DHA below 400mg / g is basically TG type, The current total amount of EPA + DHA is above 400mg / g but is not marked by the rTG type, It"s the type EE, The current total amount of EPA + DHA is above 900mg / g and the rTG is annotated with the rTG type, I will specifically address the three differences in another article; As shown (shown only for molecular composition use):
3. Content and purity
The content and purity of omega-3 in fish oil are the top priority of many nutrients in fish oil products, There are several concepts: the amount of fish oil in the capsule does not represent the content of omega-3, The content of omega-3 does not represent that of EPA and DHA, Like marking the fishoil 1200mg, omega-3400mg, This product indicates that the fish oil has 1,200 m g, But the omega-3 content is 400mg, So the purity of the fish oil in this product is about 33.3%; Like this label 1400mg represents the fish oil content is 1400mg, 1000mg omega-3 refers to the omega-3 containing 1000mg, So the fish oil purity of this product is about 71.5%, Does that mean that the EPA + DHA content is 1,000 m g, The answer is not yet, In another article (with an insight into fatty acids), The omega-3 has more than seven forms, While EPA and DHA are only two of these forms, Alpha-linolenic acid is also a species of omega-3 fatty acid; And the efficacy of these seven omega-3 fatty acids is also different in the human body; To find the EPA + DHA content, See the nutrition tag below.
Take a look at the Supplement Facts: the nutritional content of the product is shown in the nutrition label interface, which shows that EPA (eicosapenoic acid) and DHA (dodecanhexaenoac) are 600mg and 400mg, respectively;
3、Food portion is Serving Size
From this label, we can see that this product is one grain; so how appropriate is the average omega-3 used per day?Different countries will have different taking suggestions, at the same time, the author suggests to consider whether to simply supplement omega-3 fatty acids, or to protect the heart or clean blood vessels or reduce blood lipids, here the author extracted several international organizations for omega-3 taking suggestions for your reference:
Dietitians in North America (ADA and DC) have recently recommended consuming 500 mg (DHA + EPA) daily for healthy adults;
The U. S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends that consumers not consume more than 3000 mg of DHA / EPA per day, while the total amount from dietary supplements is not exceeding 2000 mg; the difference (1000 mg/day) may come from food sources (including fish / seafood and functional foods rich in DHA / EPA).These FDA guidelines are applicable to the general population and can not be universal to 100% of individuals in the population (e. g., patients taking medicinal blood diluents, statins)
This may tell you about the marine source of EPA + DHA and whether the product is vegetarian, and the average vegetarian can take omega-3;
Islam needs to pay attention to the gelatin composition of the product skin. If it is fish gelatin, you can rest assured to take it. If it is not marked, please pay attention that there is already an Islamic certification system overseas, and if the product with Islamic certification, you can also rest assured to take it;